Reminders notify you of nearing deadlines and can assist in keeping you organized! This article covers everything you need to know about using reminders in hints. Let's get started ⏰.

Reminder always belong to a certain task. A reminder triggers a notification, so they can be very helpful in your task management. We recommend setting tasks and reminders right when a new issue comes in, so you don't miss any important deadlines.

To set a reminder, you first need to create the task on the issue. 

In order to do so, navigate to your inbox view and click on "+ Task" on the issue you want to manage.

A pop-up window will open, that lets you enter a the task details.

Now, you can set the reminder you need. We recommend to at least create a task with a fitting reminder for the legally mandatory information after latest 90 days about the follow-up measures taken.


Click on "Submit" to create the task and reminder. Now, in your kanban view you can see the just created task when clicking on the small green arrow on the issue.


If you want to know more about tasks, you can check out the following articles:

What are tasks and reminders?

How are tasks handled?